SurePoxy HMSLV is a 100% solids, super low viscosity, moisture-insensitive epoxy resin system, that meets ASTM C-881, Types I, II, IV, and V, Grade 1, and Class C. SurePoxy HMSLV is recommended neat as a crack healer and/or penetrating sealer for above and below grade structural repairs of horizontal decks, slabs, patios, driveways, parking garages. SurePoxy HMSLV is also ideal for gravity feeding or pressure injection of cracks in structural concrete, masonry, wood, etc. SurePoxy HMSLV will re-bond cracks, delamination, and hollow planes in concrete. Due to its extremely low viscosity, HMSLV can penetrate deeper into smaller cracks than normal low viscosity epoxies.
Easy to Use 2:1 Mix Ratio
100% Solids
Moisture Insensitive
DOT Approved
Will Contribute to LEED Points
Gravity Feeding of Cracks
Pressure Injection of Cracks
Epoxy Penetrating Sealer
General Purpose Adhesive
ASTM C-881, Types I, II, IV, & V, Grade 1, Class C
AASHTO M-235, Types I, II, IV, & V, Grade 1, Class C
Multiple DOT Approvals
16.5 ounce cartridges
.75 gallon units
3-gallon units
15-gallon units
Submittal Package Download includes: Product Sheets and High-Res Product Photography.